Laser welding equipment has become more and more widely used in recent years, and laser welding equipment is also developing in the direction of diversity and multi-power. Fibre laser welding machine is currently the most popular type of welding equipment, fibre laser welding machine is divided into handheld laser welding, platform continuous automatic welding and so on. Fibre laser welding machine is a high-energy laser beam coupled into the optical fibre, long-distance transmission, through the collimator mirror collimated for parallel light, and then focused on the workpiece to implement the welding of a laser welding equipment. For the welding of difficult to access parts, the implementation of flexible transmission of non-contact welding, with greater flexibility. Fibre optic transmission laser welding machine laser beam can achieve time and energy splitting, can carry out multi-beam processing at the same time, for more precise welding provides the conditions. Today we will specifically introduce what is a fibre laser welding machine?

  First, the working principle of fibre laser welding machine

  1.Fibre optic transmission

  Fibre laser welding machine is the laser output laser, the use of laser beam coupling system into the optical fibre for transmission, to be transmitted over long distances, through the quasi-diameter to parallel light, the laser output focus on the workpiece to implement the welding of a new laser welding equipment.

  2.Multi-beam processing

  Welding is difficult to access the parts, flexible transmission of non-contact welding, with greater flexibility. The laser beam can be split in time and energy, multi-beam processing, for more detailed welding provides more powerful conditions. Fibre laser welding machine is suitable for most of the workpiece welding, general very wide, usually used in hardware equipment and other industries.

  Second, the characteristics of fibre laser welding machine

  1. Saving processing costs

  Fibre laser welding machine is a laser material processing machine, with S Y Z automatic platform welding, industrial PC control, the workpiece can do the plane trajectory movement welding, electro-optical conversion rate is high, low energy consumption, if the long-term use of customers can save a lot of processing costs.

  2. Good welding effect

  Good beam quality, fast welding speed, weld solid and beautiful, can be welded difficult to access parts, non-contact remote welding, with great flexibility, for the majority of customers to bring effective welding effect, while equipped with camera monitoring system, can facilitate welding observation and accurate positioning, fibre laser welding machine can adapt to a variety of complex weld and device spot welding, as well as 1mm or less than the weld of the thin plate are Not in the words.

  The above is about what is fibre laser welding machine? What are the characteristics? The introduction of the laser welding equipment, laser welding equipment is relatively high reliability, DMEC welding equipment can be customised, according to customer requirements to make tailor-made exclusive models, 24-hour continuous stable processing, to achieve the needs of industrial mass production, but also for you to customize the special automation jigs and fixtures, related product requirements are welcome to call or leave a message.