With the development of industrial technology, industrial laser technology has been fully mature, laser cutting machine is also widely used in the machinery processing industry. Laser cutting machine in the process, the cutting process will be affected by process parameters, material quality, gas purity, beam quality and other factors, factors affecting the cutting process is carefully analysed, used to improve the process in the production and processing of practicality.

  1. Cutting power on the impact of processing quality The impact of power on cutting is mainly manifested in the quality of the cut section, when the power setting is too large, it will lead to the entire cutting surface melting and cut seam is too large. Insufficient power, will produce cutting melt stains cutting section will produce a scar; if the cutting power is too small, can not cut the workpiece. Especially in the processing of large thickness of the plate, some industries on the plate cutting the whole plate cutting and other aspects of the higher requirements, the need to achieve efficacy and stability of cutting, you need to rely on high-power laser cutting machine.
  2. The impact of speed on cutting If the speed is too fast, may result in the inability to cut, sparks, then the cross-section of the diagonal stripes presented by the road will lead to the entire cutting section is thicker or produce melt stains. Cutting speed is too slow, it will lead to cutting plate over-melting, cutting section is rough, the slit will be widened accordingly, in the smaller rounded corners or sharp corners of the part caused by the whole area melting, do not get the desired cutting effect.
  3. The impact of the nozzle on the cutting quality Nozzle aperture size on the cutting quality, perforation quality has a significant impact. The larger the nozzle aperture, the worse the protection of the protective mirror protection ability, the cutting of the melted material sparks splash, up to play the chance is very large, is the life of the lens is shortened.

Laser cutting process after continuous improvement and improvement, can easily respond to adapt to the complex and changing processing environment and processing needs, and gradually formed a complete set of solutions; in improving processing quality, processing efficiency has a positive role in promoting.