Laser cutting machine always hanging slag how to do? Laser cutting machine always hanging slag will seriously affect the quality of the cut workpiece. Many sheet metal processing enterprises will be plagued by such a problem. So the cutting machine hanging slag can be solved? How to deal with to achieve the desired cutting effect?
There are many reasons for laser cutting machine slagging. Generally we can consider the focus, speed, power, air pressure and other aspects of the problem. About the laser cutting machine is always hanging slag how to do? We below through some examples to give you a detailed introduction.

  1. Focus position
    Focus position is the distance from the laser focus to the surface of the workpiece, which directly affects the roughness of the cut surface, the slope and width of the slit and so on. If the focus position is too far ahead, this will make the cut workpiece absorbed by the lower end of the heat increase, in the case of cutting speed and auxiliary air pressure must be, will lead to the cut material and the cut seam near the melted material in liquid state in the lower surface flow, after cooling the melted material will be a ball shape attached to the lower surface of the workpiece; if the position lag. The heat absorbed by the lower face of the cut material is reduced, so that the material in the slit can not be completely melted, in the lower surface of the plate will be adhered to some sharp and short residue.
    Laser cutting, cutting speed is based on the material of the cutting plate, the thickness of the plate to determine the different cutting speed, the quality of laser cutting will have a great impact on the choice of the correct cutting speed, both to improve the efficiency of laser cutting, but also to get a good cutting quality.
    Laser cutting, laser power size of the choice of cutting quality has an impact on the cutting power needs to be based on the material of the cutting plate and the thickness of the plate to determine the power is too large or too small can not get a good cutting section.
  2. Air pressure
    Laser cutting process, auxiliary gas pressure can blow off the cutting slag and cool the heat-affected zone of cutting. Auxiliary gases include oxygen, compressed air, nitrogen and so on. For some metal materials are generally used inert gas or compressed air, to prevent material combustion.
    When the auxiliary gas pressure is too high, vortices appear on the surface of the material, weakening the ability to remove the melt, resulting in a wider kerf and a rough cutting surface; when the gas pressure is too low, it can not completely blow away the melt, and the lower surface of the material will be adhering to the slag. Therefore, the pressure of auxiliary gas should be adjusted when cutting to get the best cutting quality.