Fiber laser marking machine is more and more favored by the major industries, more and more people began to understand and use the fiber laser marking machine, the enterprise with the laser marking machine is to reduce labor costs, improve productivity, create higher value, today to talk to you briefly about how the fiber laser marking machine is debugging:

1, fixed fiber laser transmitter head, first without fixed stable, with infrared light on the conversion tablets to see whether the laser into the centre of the vibration mirror into the hole, if not, please continue to adjust the fibre laser transmitter head, until the point of light into the centre of the vibration mirror into the hole until the laser transmitter head is fixed.

2, debugging the height of the vibrating mirror X, the goal is: to make the X vibration lens centre and the fibre laser spot can be overlapped, and fixed vibrating mirror X, note that this time the direction of rotation of the vibrating mirror X is about: reflective surface of the X lens and the light path into the incidence of about 45 degrees.

3, adjust the lift height of the galvanometer Y axis, so that the centre of the galvanometer Y lens and the centre of the field mirror can be coincident, and fixed galvanometer Y, note that the direction of rotation of the galvanometer Y at this time is about: reflective surface Y lens and the horizontal plane into 45 degrees or so.

4, the use of point ring field mirror centre tester, and in the centre of the tester put on a frequency doubling piece, out of the light, adjust the galvanometer X, so that the green point of light running to the centre of the tester on the coaxial line.

5, adjust the galvanometer Y, so that the green point of light running to the centre of the tester on the coaxial line, this time not the green point of light running into the centre of the tester.

6, the installation of a good field mirror, the optical path of the fibre laser marking machine adjustment is complete, this adjustment is very simple, this method can make the maintenance of fibre laser equipment is convenient, 100,000 hours without failure of the best guarantee.

Laser marking machine application more and more widely, more and more users. The use of laser marking machine if the method is not appropriate, will affect the normal work of the laser marking machine.