I. Sources and hazards of plasma cutting machine soot

Plasma cutting machine is a high-temperature, high-pressure processing equipment, the use of plasma cutting technology, can be a variety of metal materials for high-efficiency, high-precision cutting. However, in the cutting process, a large amount of smoke and dust will be generated, which will pose a threat to the health of the operator, and will also pollute the environment.

The main components of plasma cutting machine soot are fine metal dust, grease and combustion emissions. If exposed to the air for a long time, these soot will pose a threat to the human respiratory system, which may cause coughing, shortness of breath, throat inflammation and other symptoms, and may even cause lung cancer and other serious diseases. Therefore, effective treatment of plasma cutting machine fume is very necessary.

Second, the plasma cutting machine fume treatment method

  1. Mechanical filtration

Mechanical filtration is one of the basic methods of plasma cutting machine dust treatment, which is suitable for dust particles with a large diameter. The working principle of the mechanical filter is to use its special material structure to intercept the dust particles on the filter to achieve the effect of filtration. Mechanical filter processing efficiency is relatively low, the need for regular replacement of the filter, but the cost is relatively low.

  1. Wet treatment

Wet treatment is a method of mixing soot particles with clean media so that they are deposited or suspended. Wet treatment can effectively reduce the concentration of soot and reduce the hazards of soot. Common wet treatment methods include spray towers, misters, and wet electrostatic precipitators, all of which require special treatment equipment to achieve.

  1. Electrostatic precipitation

Electrostatic precipitation is the use of high-voltage electric field will be charged with electrons on the soot, and then through the cloth has the opposite charge of the collection pole for collection. Electrostatic precipitator is more effective in reducing the concentration of soot particles. However, electrostatic precipitation requires special handling equipment and devices, and the cost is relatively high.

  1. Activated carbon adsorption

Activated carbon adsorption uses the adsorption capacity of activated carbon to capture and remove pollutants such as organics and odours. Activated carbon adsorber is suitable for adsorption of organic gases and odours, etc., and the treatment effect is relatively good. But the activated carbon adsorbent needs to be replaced regularly, so the cost of using it is relatively high.

Third, the plasma cutting machine fume treatment considerations

  1. According to the type of soot using different treatment methods

Different types of plasma cutting machine soot need to use different treatment methods, can not use common treatment methods. According to the composition and concentration of the soot, we need to choose the appropriate treatment equipment and treatment methods.

  1. Strict control of plasma cutting conditions

Controlling the cutting conditions of plasma cutting machine plays an important role in reducing the generation of soot. When cutting, you need to choose the appropriate plasma cutting parameters, such as cutting speed, gas flow, arc current and air pressure and other parameters, to minimise the generation of soot.

  1. Regular inspection and maintenance of soot handling equipment

The normal operation of the soot treatment equipment is very important to ensure the effect of soot treatment. Regular inspection and maintenance of the treatment equipment is required to replace materials such as filters and adsorbents in a timely manner.

Plasma cutting machine fume treatment is very important for the protection of the environment and human health. This paper introduces the sources and hazards of plasma cutting machine fume, as well as different types of fume treatment methods and precautions, to understand these contents can help people better deal with the plasma cutting machine fume and eliminate the problem.