In modern manufacturing, accurate and fast marking technology is key to ensuring product traceability and quality control. Among them, carbon dioxide (CO2) laser markers are widely favoured for their non-contact processing and extremely fine beam diameter. We will analyse in detail the working principle of Co2 laser marking machine and its use process.

Co2 laser marking machine can accurately complete the marking task, its principle is based on the carbon dioxide gas under specific conditions to produce laser. The wavelength of this laser is usually 10.6 microns, in the far infrared region, which is ideal for marking non-metallic materials, such as wood, plastics, glass, and so on.

The first step when operating a Co2 laser marker is to power on the unit and preheat the laser to the proper operating temperature. The preheating process is crucial because it ensures the stability of the laser and the accuracy of the marking. Next, the user imports the graphic or textual information to be marked through the computer interface and makes the necessary editing adjustments. This step serves as a blueprint that provides direction for the work to follow.

The object to be marked is then placed on the table and accurately positioned using a fine-tuning positioning system. At this point, the operator confirms that the laser focus is on the marked surface to ensure that the light is focused and clear.

Once the marking process is initiated, the Co2 laser beam is scanned across the surface of the object in a preset pattern, instantly evaporating the surface layer of the material and leaving a mark. This non-contact method avoids the problem of object damage and abrasion compared to traditional mechanical engraving.

Once the marking is complete, the operator waits for the equipment to cool down, then switches off the power, cleans up the work area and checks the quality of the marking. A high-quality mark is usually clear, even and of high contrast, just like an exquisite ink painting, with details showing ingenuity.

In summary, the operation of a Co2 laser marker involves the preparation of the equipment, the input of information, the positioning of the workpiece, the engraving of the laser and the subsequent processing. Each step is like a well-designed chess game, and each step is taken carefully to ensure that each marking project can be accurate and show the extraordinary charm of laser marking technology.